Pleased to make available the latest Market Report from the FRACHT group.
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Logistics Market Report 1/2023
This popular regular publication of the FRACHT group has a new name, “LOGISTICS Market report”. From a mere update on the Maritime market now also news on Air Freight are brought to you. Soon also reporting on break-bulk and ro-ro will be added.
May this regular flow of information be also your useful tool in planing your worldwide logistics. Contact us if any help needed
Singapore Office Opened
Challenging Delivery
It might not be a spectacular load. The Heavy Lift Industry has seen bigger pieces on the move. Yet Christmas Holy Day, extreme weather condition, complicated due diligence issues kept our team awake during a few nights. That is what we are here for, over 35 years in the Philippines. Satisfied customers for a job finally accomplished is the reward and motivation for more such engagements.
“SwissCham sustainability forum”
The Swiss Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines in partnership with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was holding their Annual General Meeting and Sustainability Forum.
We contributed with a message on “CSR with sustainability” which must come from within and be part of corporate “soul and spirit” beyond of giving a donation or one time gift to the poor in this forthcoming Christmas season.
May this begin with ourselves, company owners, management, staff and even include our clients, working on transformation of behaviours, creating awareness and understanding, citing the FRACHT Group which rallies with its initiative “FRACHT forward” all offices and staff around the world behind this vision.
Let this be Swissness, a culture of solidarity with which we can do good here in the Philippines and finally justify our presence here.
External Fracht News Nr. 3326 – Container Market Report / November 2022
“Plant a tree” is what FRACHT World Organisation has propagated throughout its global network, recognizing the value of trees for our troubled environment. Saturday, 22th October 2022 it was our call in the Philippines.
Entire staff went out and planted 1000 trees in Sitio San Ysiro, Brgy. San Jose, Antipolo. It resulted in a day of hard work but also fun and team building. In cooperation with DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) the mission was a success.
After the work was done the staff enjoyed camping at Viewscape Nature’s Park in Tanay/Rizal
Planting trees and above all, growing forests, are essential to overcome the current loss of biodiversity and adapt to climate change. Our active, informed, and enlightened engagement will lead to greater impacts on forests and biodiversity.
Container Market Report October 2022
World Clean Up Day
“FRACHT-FORWARD” the CSR initiative of the Fracht World Organisation is rallying for World-Clean-Up-Day on September 17th, 2022 and is calling on everyone within and outside the group to join this world’s largest one-day civic action to help reduce waste and create a cleaner planet.